Cheesy Mexican Rice

I know what you’re thinking, “It’s about time!”

I’ve promised this review in two of my posts (here & here) and I am just now getting to it.

(Better late than never seems to be my mantra these days.)

But believe me, it is totally worth the wait (if you haven’t already tried it).

Cheesey Mexican Rice
I make this recipe with most of our Mexican dishes. It makes a great side dish, addition to a burrito, or perfect leftovers.

There are only 4 changes that I make to this recipe:

  1. I omit the onion. (I don’t like cutting them!)

  2. I forget to precook the rice before adding the chicken broth. (If you are vegetarian you could use veggie broth instead.)

  3. I use about half the can of Rotel. (The more you add the spicier it gets.)

  4. And it usually doesn’t need salt, but you can taste for yourself.

Also, it taste amazing with or without the cheese. So add as much or as little as you like.

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Your Pin Pal Gwen


About yourpinpalgwen

Amateur Christian, wife, cook, crafter, blogger, runner. defines amateur as someone "who admires something; devotee; fan." I think of an amateur as someone who is still learning. I will never know all there is to know about Christ, being a good wife, cooking everything to perfection, creating crafty projects without error (even if no one else notices), creating the perfect blog, or running the perfect mile. I'm still learning. I always will be.

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